Greetings and welcome to KARMA! My name is Anthony Willetts, but you can call me Tony. Art has always been a major part of my life ever since I started copying my step-dads drawings of X-MEN characters. From there I realized that I had a thing for illustration and design. All throughout grade school I would draw in class and It would give me this feeling of satisfaction whenever I would gain the attention of my classmates or my teachers. So I realized that not only did I want to design for others, but myself as well. There is this satisfaction I get when working on a project from beginning to end. And all I want to do is share my creations with the world. One of my major goals is to create a graphic novel combining three things that I thoroughly enjoy to learn about. Those things being superheroes, technology, and mythology. I know it might seem like a strange combination but its been an idea I’ve had since middle school. The thing I hope to achieve from this is to reach a wide range of people from around the world and tell them a story that they have hopefully never heard before. Full of characters to love and hate that people can build connections to. Not only do I hope you are impressed by the work we put into our designs, but understand that this is only the beginning KARMA.
So enjoy!